Hosting a Community Clean-up

Providing a way to help MANAGE YOUR MESS.
When it comes to cleaning up and organization -a great way to make yourself feel good is by making your community LOOK good.
Now is the perfect time to start rallying up your neighbors and local businesses for a SPRING clean-up!
You might be surprised by the engagement and support you get.

“… The most important ingredient to organizing a neighborhood cleanup is the neighbors!”

Time to go through those old boxes you’ve been moving around for decades – and see what you can donate and what you need to toss! For a great read and some guidelines – check out Kathryn’s blog “Going Zero Waste” and her great article on Community Clean-ups!
Find out about the : 2018 Great Denver Clean-up

“Just remember, with an event like this, the more people you have involved the easier and quicker it will be.”